
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mission to Sleep: To Crib from Rock 'n Play in 1 Day

If there's one device that moms everywhere have developed a love hate relationship with, it's probably the Rock 'n Play Sleeper. If you don't know what it is, here's a picture (complete with non-realistic well rested mom)...

Why Love? Only because it is the most versatile, portable, inexpensive, magically calming, life saving, miraculous baby device on the market! Seriously, if you are having a baby or giving a baby gift, this is THE ONE thing to have...the perfectly angled bed, the soothing vibrations at the mere touch of a button, the snuggly sides that keep baby cozied up and reassured anytime they wake themselves up with their startle reflex mid-snooze, and the fact you can tote it anywhere from bedside to shower side so you can make sure baby is safe at all times and actually get some shit done. The list goes on...

Then, why on earth Hate? This thing is like crack for babies! Unfortunately, with a 25 lb weight limit, they can't just sleep in it forever, and there's no shortage of horror stories from moms who've tried to transition their babes from RNP to crib. I don't blame these babies for rebelling when the switch is made. I mean, who wants to give up all the coziness of the RNP for a big ole empty flat boring crib?

A couple things I should state for the record. There is some controversy on if/how much you should allow your baby to sleep in a RNP. Among them, things like flat head, torticollis, and upper airway obstruction due to the inclined nature are noted by some doctors as possible risks. These are serious things to consider of course. On the other hand, the RNP is very commonly recommended by many pediatricians, especially to parents of kiddos with acid reflux, due to the exact same characteristics in design. So is it safe? My pediatrician said absolutely it's fine. In fact, she recommended not even attempting the transition from RNP to crib this early. I was shocked to hear her say that actually.

I am certainly not smarter than our pediatrician, but I will say that the bigger Preston was becoming the more I felt the urge to go ahead and transition to crib now. His feet and legs were becoming more scrunched at the end to where he was sleeping in a squat position. While this doesn't pose a risk, I didn't want him to get to used to that position. Most concerning was the fact he'd become so heavy (he's now over 15 lbs!), the support was starting to sag and I noticed his head began to slump forward during sleep more. I was having a hard time sleeping as well, because I was so worried about watching his breathing like a hawk when he was in it. It was time to make the move to crib.

And because there are so many horror stories out there about making the switch, I wanted to share our personal experience...It was not bad at all!
I really think it went smoothly because we didn't just move him into a completely different room, and throw him into a completely different "feeling" space to sleep. Some people may be able to do that with success, but I don't think our guy would have gone for it one hot minute.

Before the actual crib transition began, we moved his RNP into his nursery a month ago and kept it right next to his crib.
This way he became very familiar with his own room and the view he'd have from his crib. We used a portable mobile to hang above the RNP from time to time so that he'd get used to seeing that above his head as well. Then the time came to make the big move. So without further adieu, here's what worked for us...

1) Propped the crib up on one end using books.
This gave an inclined feel to his new sleeping space. While it wasn't quite as angled as the RNP, it definitely wasn't flat. Over time, we will remove one book at a time, so that he won't feel such a drastic transition to a completely flat mattress.

*We've already removed one book and will remove another tonight.

2) Made a "snugglenest" using a rolled up beach towel.
We placed this under the fitted crib sheet in the middle of the crib. This way, it wasn't such a big wide open space, and he still gets a cozy feel when he moves about. There are no loose blankets, so it's perfectly safe. Over time we can replicate with smaller (thinner) towels to lower the height of the snugglenest until it's taken away completely.

3) Placed a large firm throw pillow at the end of crib near feet. This way if he slid downward or kicked his feet, which he did a lot in the RNP, there would be something there to provide soft resistance instead of just crib rungs or empty space. We tied the pillow to the crib rungs firmly as well, so if he kicked, the pillow would not fall back onto him.

4) Put soothing vibration unit under crib mattress.
We took the battery powered vibration unit out of our Pack 'n Play (yet another baby sleeping device), which has only been used for diaper changes to this day and placed it under his crib mattress instead. This made the crib mattress vibrate, just like the RNP. This unit also happens to have an MP3 player you can play soft music from if you choose.

*I'm really not certain if/how much this element played a role, because the batteries were dying and after only a couple nights he went without any vibration just fine. We have now removed the vibration unit altogether...if he's fine without it, no sense in adding it back in and continuing the habit. If you're having issues transitioning, it might help, but you also might be fine without this step.

6) Placed mobile at center of crib hanging above his head. We used this mobile above his RNP prior, so it would be familiar to him.

7) Hung "baby shusher" in corner near his head. I have had more than one mom roll their eyes at me for using this thing, but I don't care. It works, both as a calming measure while mid-tantrum and also a preventative measure to prevent restlessness in the first place. It has one function and one function only. It goes "shhhhhh" to your baby at increments of 15 min & 30 min. You turn it on and it literally shushes baby to sleep for you. We had used this in the RNP prior with success, so figured we'd keep it in play in the crib. When I lay him down to sleep, I just turn the baby shusher on, lights off, and leave the room.

So, there you have it. Might seem like overkill just to get a baby into a crib. However, I would rather give him more than enough at first and then take away elements of comfort piece by piece, than to move to crib cold turkey with a not so pleasant experience for either of us.

The BEST part is that he seemed to sleep more restfully in his crib that first night than he even slept in his RNP. In fact, he is now going longer between feeds and has had a couple nights where he's only eaten twice throughout the night. It's been a week now, and he has slept as good or better in his crib every single night as compared to his sleep in the RNP.

First night sleeping in his crib! woo hoo!

We are probably still a long way from sleeping through the night entirely, but he is in his bed, in his room, and we are in our bed, in our room, on a completely different floor for the most part. It may not be perfection YET, but it's movement in the right direction!


  1. Great tips! We too are in a RNP right now and I have heard stories about the transition and how hard it can be. I am trying to decide when to start the transition process. And I've never seen or heard of the baby shusher...where did you get it? Carter loves to be "shhhh'd" when she is falling asleep. Glad the transition wasn't hard for you! Hoping we have the same success!

    1. I got it on amazon!

      There is also an app you can download, but if you don't feel like messing with a separate iPhone in baby's room, charging it, and keeping it with him all the time, etc. the actual shusher is pretty handy. We have had the same batteries in it since ordering a couple months ago and still going strong without replacing them. GL with the transition!

  2. We made the switch at 8 weeks, and I'm so glad we did! She was always balled up at the bottom in the morning, so I felt totally paranoid too! We also adjusted by putting the RNP in her room for a while, but that was about it. I love the ideas you put in place, I just didn't think of them! What I have found with my kids is that the worry I have about their adjustment to something new is almost never justified. They always surprise me with their flexibility! I'm glad he's sleeping well in his crib. Good work mama!

    1. Yeah, that is one thing I learned when the batteries on the vibration unit went dead...he didn't even notice! I really feel it would have never worked if he were totally flat that first night mainly. We are still trying out different things for him to sleep in (Halo, Zipadee, Woombie) since he never slept swaddled in the that is a whole extra challenge. I'll have to post about that next. It hasn't been a one night solution on that front, but we're making progress!

    2. I'd love to know what has worked for you. Our child never slept swaddled with hands in the RNP and now we are struggling as she constantly kicks off her blanket in the crib and wakes herself up.

  3. This is great info! Thank you for sharing! Preston is one lucky baby and is so loved and well taken care of :)

    1. Thanks Jennifer! You know what? This little guy is SO LOVED it's not even funny!!! Everyone says you can't spoil a newborn, so I guess we take that and run with it a little. hehe

  4. I am so impressed with your creativity! This is pure genius!

    1. I love that you consider it creativity and not obsessive compulsive disorder. lol ;)

  5. My now 2.5 year old slept in it until 19 months ;) and my now 4 year old was 13 months. (Both were 24/25lbs at 6 months old and then didn't gain any weight until 2.5 or so) The transition was quite easy at that point. ;) but +10 for you for getting creative! Looks like you have a good plan!

    1. Our 12mo is still in his RnP after many attempts to get him in his crib. In a couple of weeks, we are trying again and think/hope he is truly ready at this time. When you transitioned your 13mo, how did that go? Anything "extra" you put in the crib to help? Now that we are out of the major SIDS risk zone, I am thinking of a fairly flat pillow and he has some loveys in there as well. It's been a TOUGH transition. My first transitioned at 9mo and it took about 4 nights but little brother has made it clear that he was not going to a crib any sooner.

  6. Wahoo! Isn't is such a great feeling?! Raegan is in her RNP in her nursery next to her bed for now :) We are wanting to transition her soon too, but are a little reluctant since her cleft palate causes major congestion. So until she grows out of her RNP, that's where she will be! But I will definitely be looking up this post when it's time to move her! We also bought a wedge that we put under the sheet to help elevate her. Hoping that works. Love the towel idea!

  7. You guys are geniuses! I never bought a RnP even though so many people suggested it... maybe for the next baby... I'm so glad Preston got a good night sleep. It definitely looks like a comfy arrangement :)

  8. Wow you were super creative here. All of this sounds like great ideas! I will have to keep all of this mind so I can use it at some point I hope :)

  9. Um. You are a genius!!! I so wish I had read this before our boys' transition to crib!!! They sleep in their crib fine at night but are still in their RNP's for naps.... I may use some of your tips! Also we have that mobile and the boys LOVE it!!

  10. You are amazing! Love it! The other device I was really relieved to find is a snuza- just google them. They were so good for my peace of mind when bubs was sick and are portable! You are doing a great job honey!!! Xoxoox

  11. These are awesome tips...wish I had them when we transitioned B from his RNP to crib. We sort of just went cold turkey, which didn't work well right away. Eventually he got used to it, but it took much longer!

  12. Glad you are making "baby" steps in the right direction!

  13. Just did the snuggle nest to our crib. Slept much better!! Was a little worried about safety but seems to be ok. Is your little one still using it? Thanks for the great idea !

    1. Well, we had removed it for a few weeks, but just recently we put it back in. When he turned 4 months we stopped swaddling him, because he was rolling over here and there, and we didn't want him to flip while swaddled. So he was sleeping unswaddled with no snugglenest at that point.

      However, last week he turned into a crazy baby at night, flipping and flopping all over the crib and flipped over onto his tummy a couple times in his sleep. Honestly, the snugglenest is the only thing that deters so much crazy movement for him, so we put it back in. We are making sure it's not a big U shape so it hugs his body and there isn't room for him to flip over with face against snugglenest.

      We also bought an Angelcare monitor, which detects movement and breathing from a sensor pad placed under the mattress, and it will alert us if movement/breathing has stopped, so we feel better about having the snugglenest back in there with the Angelcare monitoring throughout the night. And turns out having the snugglenest back has really helped, because for the first time EVER he's sleeping up to 8 hr stretch and only needing fed once in the middle of the night now. Could be that we've added solid foods one time per day too, but we both feel the snugglenest is helping.

    2. That is totally your call Brit. If waking up once per night at 4.5 months old is a "sleep regression"

  14. Hi Emily,
    My little one is 4.5 months old and I'm anxious about making the switch to his crib. He sleeps in the rnp in his room, next to his crib. He has been sleeping on average 10 hrs a night. The last week he has been up once a night, because I think he was going through the 4 month sleep regression. I did try to do it cold turkey one night and just put him in the crib. He went in there fine, but woke up screaming 20 minutes later so I put him back in the rnp. He currently naps either in a reclined position or on our couch. He's 18 pounds, so he is getting close to the limit. I'm wondering if I should try the transition now or wait until the 4 month sleep regression is over. Any thoughts? Thank you!

    1. That is totally your call Brit. If waking up once per night at 4.5 months old is a "sleep regression" I bow down to you! Haha! I know a lot of people who would LOVE only waking up once per night...myself included. Waking up could be due to anything I'm assuming...developmental leap he's going through, hitting milestones, daytime habits, etc. I am by no means an expert.

      If you feel he's safe in the RNP and don't see any red flags, then I could see taking your time. For me, I was getting worried about his neck and body slouching forward throughout the night in the RNP and his ability to breath well in it the larger that he got. My 4.5 month old also weighs 18.2 lbs. right now, and I can't imagine him still sleeping in the RNP for long stretches, but that's just me. I'm used to seeing him sprawled out in a crib now for 2 months+. He isn't swaddled anymore and is used to spreading out, so don't think he'd dig it. I did find using the transitioning approach I outlined above worked well for us, but gotta do what's right for you in your situation. Good luck!

    2. Hi Emily,
      Thank you for your input. We are very grateful that so far he's a good sleeper. We are going to try the crib tonight. As far as the rooms towel under the you put his head in the curved part or his butt?

    3. Not sure if you will see this because it's from a year ago but our baby girl is very much like what you described... fantastic sleeper but doesn't like to be anywhere but her rock n play. How did you eventually transition to the crop? I'm assuming your little one isn't still in the rock no play a year later ha!

  15. Hey my friend created something similar to this last year for her baby and we used it for ours. The great thing about hers is it has different levels that gradually spread out from the baby so that they can eventually be without the transitioner. Also, She makes a sleeper that she attaches snaps to so that there are no safety concerns. I just convinced her last week to put her sleeper on etsy because I think people would love it. You can see it at

  16. My son is just over 5 months old and has horrible reflux. We had him in his crib at just 3 weeks old and then our reflux problem hit and he's been in the RNP ever since. We are trying to transition to the crib due to him turning on his side in the middle of the night in the RNP and scooting in it. Transition has been rough and I have been looking into doing something like this to help him feel secure. We have a wedge already for the incline. Any suggestions about him turning on his side at night? I think the snugglenest will help greatly, but I'm just a little concerned about him flipping to his side? Also, is this a regular crib sheet? Ours seems too tight to do anything like this.

  17. My son is just over 5 months old and has horrible reflux. We had him in his crib at just 3 weeks old and then our reflux problem hit and he's been in the RNP ever since. We are trying to transition to the crib due to him turning on his side in the middle of the night in the RNP and scooting in it. Transition has been rough and I have been looking into doing something like this to help him feel secure. We have a wedge already for the incline. Any suggestions about him turning on his side at night? I think the snugglenest will help greatly, but I'm just a little concerned about him flipping to his side? Also, is this a regular crib sheet? Ours seems too tight to do anything like this.

  18. Im working on this transition with a couple naps a day in his crib. We have the RNP next to the crib for night sleep. My question is when I put him in his crib for naps I put his down drowy and he immediately wakes up and cries. Do you put your little one down awake or asleep?

  19. I am so excited to try this. I hope it works. My LO is 8 months and hates the crib. This is the best advice I have found so far.

  20. Do you ever worry about him rolling over into the rolled up towel?

    1. I thought about that too, but the RNP basically has the same thing and they are fine in that, ya know? I think the babes are fine with it until they start to turn and roll over. Once I saw my daughter sleep in it, I knew it was fine.

  21. This saved our sanity! I was honestly nauseous when I thought about moving him, but this made it so much smoother! He still needs swaddled or he won't sleep, and since we have a roller now, the "snugglenest" allows us to keep him swaddled a while longer. I make sure he's all snug and he never even tries to move all night. I was nervous about having "extras" in his crib, but he's so snug, I dont think he could go anywhere if he tried. Thank you for your brilliance!

  22. Thank you for this post! It was a comfort to know that my experience with a RnP "crack" baby was not abnormal. Our LO is 13weeks and we are deciding it's time to get her in her crib because she is totally cramped in the RnP and we are concerned that she may have a flat spot because of it which wouldn't surprise me because she sleeps 10+ hours in it at night. Our other problems are that she is also a binky addict and is constantly knocking it out of her mouth at night because she loves to sleep with her arms up and hands behind her head like she is lounging on the couch...and she won't lay her legs down so when she relaxes enough to have them touch the mattress it wakes her up. I'm pretty sure her sleeping in the RnP in that squat position is not helping that. Anyway, I am going to try your approach and see how she does. I anticipate that we will have some tough nights ahead of us but it's for the greater good!

    1. We have the exact same issues w my LO, particularly w the paci and legs up thing. How has it gone for you? Any tips??

    2. We have the exact same issues w my LO, particularly w the paci and legs up thing. How has it gone for you? Any tips??

  23. Thank you for the great tips! My daughter slept through the night in her crib by day 2! We moved her RNP in the nursery for a few nights to get used to sleeping in there. I put the towel under her fitted sheet and had her take a few naps in the crib. That was all it took! The beach towel was really the lifesaver-what a great idea. I didn't elevate the crib so no pillow was necessary. We always use a white noise machine and she seems to like that as well. Good luck moms!!

  24. Seriously! This is pure genius! Wish I had found your tips with my first little one but am thankful for it this time around. My little one is doing great in the crib now but the only thing is when do you remove the towel?? He loves it so much! I tried removing it last night and he was all over the place. I had to put it back in. Any tips on that? Thanks again! I have shared this with many!!

  25. Hi Emily!
    Great Tips, I have one son was 7 months old, I will apply your instructions to be seeing my child. Thanks for share !
    small pack n play

  26. Thank you so much for your sharing your "snugglenest" idea. Our 3 month old baby girl slept in the pack n play for 8 hours straight last night - the longest she's slept in there yet! We decided we needed to transition her from the Rock n Play after she kept scooting herself into a ball at the bottom. We're keeping our fingers crossed she sleeps in her little nest again tonight. Thanks again!

  27. This post is great and hilarious and ridiculous at the same time (And I mean no offense by that because it reminds me of the number of things we did to try and get our baby to sleep - including one of us holding and rocking the baby while the other held the white noise maker to his ear! Glad to know we weren't the only ones going nuts with trying things. Just goes to show who really rules the roost!) I love the snugglenest idea. We actually had our baby in the crib from Day 1 and he did more or less fine with it but now at 4 months, he's regressing big time and the last hour and a half of sleep takes place in our bed. He's moving way too much in his crib and I think the snuggle nest may be what he needs. Will try it tonight. Thanks!!

  28. These are great ideas! I'm going to try them tonight! I have been struggling with this for 2 months!

  29. These are great ideas! I'm going to try them tonight! I have been struggling with this for 2 months!

  30. did you put a blanket on top of the mattress too?

  31. Emily - Thank you so much for these ideas!! My husband and I have been trying for a week to get our lo to sleep in the crib. We did the books, towel, and pillow last night. She slept for 10 hours! She used to sleep 10-12 hours in the rock n play, but since the crib transition it has been unsuccessful for more then an 1-2 hour intervals. Thank you so much for these ideas!!! I hope tonight brings just as much sleep!

  32. Emily I am so scared to transition my daughter! She's been in her Rock and Play for so long - she's 3.5 months old, and she's starting to outgrow it. She suffers from reflux and right now it is not under control. That's the primary reason we had her in the RNP to begin with. She's starting to develop an awkward dent in her head, so I think it's time to make the switch, but with so many night wakings the thought is terrifying.

    :( I'm going to try your snuggle nest idea for naps and see how she does. I think I need to incline the crib a bit more for her reflux to be better controlled.

    We actually transitioned her the other night, but then her reflux got so bad we regressed back into our RNP in our room.

    Question - did you experience any flat head issues from the RNP? Our Emily has a weird shaped head and bald spot from the RNP... hoping it gets better with the transition and as she gets a little more mobile.

  33. Thank you so much for writing this. I have been trying to find some kind of pillow or something to start the transition. My son is 12 months old snd still in the RNP. He is sixteen pounds and loves it. I have been so hesitant to make the switch but I know it's time. Thanks for the information. It's nice to know I'm not the only one going thru this.

  34. Hello! I know that this is an old blog but I just wanted to comment and say THANK YOU for writing this. We've been trying to transition my 6 month old son from his Rock and Play to his crib and it has been tough. Last night we used your tips and he slept through the night in his crib!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. This was a lifesaver post! To all the struggling mamas out there this advice is on point! We just moved our LO who is 14 weeks old from the RnP to the crib using this method and were successful!!!! Instead of the books I just rolled a towel and placed it under the mattress, that way we can slowly unroll it as the baby gets used to his new place for sleeping until completely flat. For the kicking we put a pillow laying flat under the sheet, it almost created the same angled position for his legs. We will work on getting rid of each element one by one and hopefully our little man will sleep in a flat crib like a big boy soon :-) don't give up and just remember to make the move/change gradual. Best of luck to all

  36. With all the crap the circulates through the internet, its refreshing to see some good advice for once! Seriously, go buy yourself a mom of the year plaque and hang it up on your wall. One thing I did differently was put a towel under the mattress in lieu of the actual crib and slowly moved it up creating less and less of an angle until it was completely flat. I also got good advice from my cousin about buying Merlins Magic Sleepsuit. The kept him from jolting himself awake since he didnt do very well with swaddling from the get go.

  37. Wonderful advice!! I was using a rolled up blanket to create a more cozy feel but the towel under the crib sheet is GENIUS!! My son never slept in a RNP...flat in a cradle then to his crib at 7 weeks without a single issue. My daughter on the other hand loves her RNP but like your LO is outgrowing it. Thanks again for sharing your success!!


  38. Thank you for posting this! We tried moving our daughter to the crib (elevated on one side) at around 7 weeks, but she hated it. She would scream as soon as we put her down. That's when I found your tips and tried the towel trick - it worked wonders! We gradually removed the books and reduced the towel (by using a thinner muslin blanket), and she did great each step of the way. She's now sleeping in just her regular crib!

  39. Months went by where I would read and re read this blog. I thought to myself it probably wasn't something we would end up having to do for our twins who have been in rock n plays since coming home from the hospital. After 7 months in them, it was time to move to the cribs. And it was ugly. Shrieks. Not even just crying. They were shrieking. I wasn't strong enough to keep listening to them so back they went to the RnP's. Then one twin started sitting up and rolling in his rock n play. We had no other choice but try cribs again. So I remembered this blog and I told my husband..... I thought he would think the idea was crazy but he didn't. He set up little "snuggle nests" in their cribs and guess what??? THEY LOVE IT. no more shrieking, they sleep so much better than they did in their rock n plays. This advice answered problems for so many months of anxiety I had about moving my twins out of the RnP's. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!! ��

  40. How old was your little one when you transitioned him to the crib? I tried switching my almost 5 month old last night and it was udderly miserable. After 3 hours of sobbing, I ended up putting them back in the RNP ugh. :( But, I am definitely going to use your tips when i try again soon.

  41. My six week old also prefers his crib and we also use white noise machine for baby. But only sleeps fine in his crib at night but during the day he only wants to nap in the swing or on me! Glade I found this.

  42. I just wanted to say thank you for coming up with this and posting it. We followed this from day 1 of moving my 7 week old daughter to her crib! And it's been so successful. She's not only sleeping better at night but also during the day. So thank you. Thank you thank you!

  43. I just wanted to say thank you for coming up with this and posting it. We followed this from day 1 of moving my 7 week old daughter to her crib! And it's been so successful. She's not only sleeping better at night but also during the day. So thank you. Thank you thank you!

  44. Hey,

    Nice Share!!

    While it is important to let your toddler explore, run and play, they can get into trouble and hurt themselves if they are not being watched every second of every single day.

    Keeping them safe is always important, so using a play yard at certain times can make a great deal of sense. Thanks a lot for your useful tips.

  45. Hello! I love your ideas! I am currently trying to transition our daughter from the rock n play to the crib. I wanted to get a second opinion about kind of playing off your towel idea. I found this Fisher-Price 4-in-1 Rock 'n Glide Soother - Replacement Pad on Amazon and it looks like it might work like a "snug little nest" like the towels. (I have pasted the link to the pad at the end of this message). I would place it under the crib sheets as well... would this be a good idea? Thanks! I appreciate any help/ideas :)

  46. Fisher-Price 4-in-1 Rock 'n Glide Soother - Replacement Pad

  47. I was literally getting ready to custom order a larger rock n play for our growing 6 month old and had totally given up on the crib when I read this. I did the books under one end of the crib and the rolled up beach towel and she has slept like a dream ever since! We now put her down for naps and bedtime in crib using this method, sometimes she goes down AWAKE!!! This has transformed our lives! One week success so far thank you so much! Just for background she has been HORRIBLE sleeper, had colic and still battling acid reflux so sleeping in crib is a huge deal. Our entire household thanks you! 👏🏼

  48. This was the most amazing tip in the world using the beach towel as a snugglenest! at 12 weeks old he's 15 lbs and I was getting concerned about a flat spot from the RnP and he slept no problem in his crib! Thank you thank you!

  49. Just came across your great blog! Thanks so much for these tips! I can't wait to try it out. Question... Is your baby swaddled in the picture shown in this blog? Do I still continue to swaddle? He has not rolled from his back to stomach yet but I feel it could happen soon. Thanks!!

  50. I know this is a really old post, but I just had to tell you, THANK YOU. Our three-week-old has been in a rock n play for the most part since he was born, and he was hugely resistant to the bassinet anytime we tried to switch. Last night I set up the incline and used your towel trick, and he slept more soundly than he has even in the RNP! I'm so relieved we won't have to worry about some traumatic transition later on, we can just ease him into a crib by lowering the incline and lessening the coziness of the towel cove. Lifesaver!!!

  51. Hey Emily! Thank you so much for posting this! I'm going to try this with my little guy as soon as we're ready. Any success with swaddling in the crib? My little guy hates his arms being confined so maybe a body swaddle would be better? Thank you again!

  52. Thank you for posting. So glad I found this and will be trying the towels ASAP. The transition has not been going well so far. Our little guy is 6 months and definitely has about outgrown the RNP but he sure doesn't seem to mind!

  53. Good evening.
    At how many weeks is this good to try. My baby is 5 weeks old and spends naps and bedtime in the RNP.
    I would love for him to sleep in the co-sleeper next to my bed.

  54. o make my both kids sleep all night long without waking up every hour to eat i used the hwl method. It also helped me to teach my girls to fall asleep on their own and to make them nap longer. Easy method without CC or CIO. It took me 3 or 4 days to deal with sleeping problems. All you need to do to make the hwl method works is to follow very precisely instruction step by step and that is it. I've found the instructions in Susan Urban's guide. It was quite some time ago but I can see the guide is still available on site.

    1. I used the hwl method as well and I think that it is the best way to deal with sleep problems. The method is easy, fast and without any harm. Thank you Susan Urban, you made my life easire

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Thank you so much for this!!! You made the transition so much easier and gave me a game plan!!! I can't tell you how much I appreciated finding this advice! ~ Kara

  57. crib are essential but bassinets are perfect for the 1 - 4 months baby .Best Baby Bassinet Review

  58. I know it's been awhile since this original post but I wanted to say thanks for posting. We did this with my daughter at around ten weeks and it worked with absolutely no issue. In fact, she slept so much better after not being in her RNP. She isn't in her crib yet, we used the towel and elevation in her play yard in our room. Anyway, thanks!

  59. I found interesting site about Pack and Play. Check it :)

  60. Trying these tips tonight. We just made the switch from RNP to PNP last night and he was up every hour on the hour. Sigh!

    1. I am making the swith in the next few days and hope this doesn't happen to me.

  61. Thank you SO MUCH for this! I am starting this tonight and hoping it goes well! PS, I have a baby shutter AND have bought one fore 3 friends expecting kiddos soon. Every one asks," What is that?" in her car seat when we go out, I say, "its the magic machine! "

  62. Switching to the crib tomorrow night. She is 2 months and the RNP is already in the nursery the last couple of weeks. Definitely stealing the incline and towel idea to make it easier. Wish us luck!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How did it go for you?? We are also at 2 months and making the switch in a week after we move her RNP to the nursery.

  63. She did great. Woke up at her regular feeding (2 am) then slept until morning. We actually took the towel away the first night because she was moving all over the place. I think she likes her space. Smooth transition for us. Good luck to you.

    1. That is encouraging, I am glad it went well for you! Due to visiting my family, we had to push back the transition, but we're trying it tonight! I hope it goes as well as yours :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Thank you so much for posting this! I Used all the strategies last night and daughter slept in crib the entire night – amazing!

  65. One of the most valuable of these is the bassinets. The truth is that you cannot sleep on the same bed with your new born or you may indirectly harm them.

    10 Best Bassinet for Newborn Babies (2017)

    Top Rated Baby Bassinets Reviews

  66. My little guy is only 4 weeks old, but I’ve been stressing big time about this since he sleeps SO well in his rock n play. I’ve been scared to make the transition but need to before I go back to work in case it results in some sleepless nights! ;)

    Your tips are genius - hopefully they work for is too! Thanks for posting!

  67. I’m glad I came across your post. My 9 month old has wanted nothing to do with sleeping in his crib for the past few weeks. He slept in a bassinet then crib since day 1 but always took naps in his rock and play. He was also teething pretty good a few weeks ago and the rock and play seemed to be the only thing that comforted him and let him sleep. He loved sleeping on his stomach too so I was surprised he wanted the rock and play. I really don’t think he’s sleeping as good in it and he’s getting too big. When we try and put him in the crib after he falls asleep, he’ll go between 10-30 mins then wake up crying, pick him up and he falls asleep, lay him back down and he wakes up crying instantly. I am a teacher and I have a week off in 2 weeks so I said i would devote that week to getting him to sleep in his crib and take naps in the pack and play. I said I would pull out all the stops! Lol just like you did. My baby loves the shushed to put him to sleep too so I will be using that. I can’t believe anybody ever rolled their eyes at you for using it! It literally just shushes like a person does with their mouth.. moms shouldn’t judge other moms like that. Well I will post back in a few weeks and see how this works out! Thanks :)

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. 22, 2018 at 12:11 AM
    This was a game changer.

    I was beginning to think my son would never sleep in his crib until I tried a few of your suggestions.

    Thank you sooo much!!!

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.


  71. How did you transition AWAY from the U shaped towel and the crib wedge? This has worked wonders, but she is starting to roll so need to get it out. I widened the towels, but she scoots over to rest her head against the towel. I need to get these out!

  72. Bravo! Quite an informative article. You can check other baby products from the Fly Parents

  73. It's working. You're ideas are amazimg. I thank you so much for sharing them. God bless!

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