
Monday, November 5, 2012

Twin follies ready to dance! Let's do this!

Just as predicted by the RE, it looks like I'll ovulate tomorrow, CD17. I don't think it would take a rocket scientist to figure out knowing how my body responded last cycle, but it was a pretty good estimation on his part since we've been working together such a short time. He nailed it.

I was even getting impatient myself second guessing and thinking it was going to run later, but low and behold I got two +OPK's today, including a smiley on the CBE digital at noon. We went in for an ultrasound at 4 pm to see what we are dealing with exactly, and we were all very pleased with the results.

Right off the bat I noticed two follies on the left ovary that looked identical, almost like they were an exact mirror of each other. Sure enough they both measured exactly 21 mm. Nothing at all going on in the right ovary, but that doesn't surprise me... I seem to be a lefty most months. The cherry on top was seeing another 9 mm lining this cycle, which makes me over the moon happy!!! This is the second cycle in a row it's measured 9 mm. It must be the Femara tricking my body to produce extra estrogen...or the warm castor oil packs I do religiously....or the acupuncture I've done for the last several months...or the baby aspirin I'm taking daily. Who knows, but something is working! Maybe it's all been helping in it's own way a little bit.

Our IUI is scheduled for 10:15 am tomorrow, and we are praying that the second time is the charm. Of course, I can't help but immediately think of those two little follies as twin follies since they were so identical and nestled right next to each other. Oh, how I would LOVE to have twins and be done with it. Yep, a mini Matt & a mini Em is all we'd need to seal the deal on this family thing. I know what I will be dreaming about tonight. :)


  1. I am literally crossing my fingers, toes, legs, arms and eyes (literally while I'm typing!) that this is your cycle!! Sounds like it's a perfect storm, good luck!!

    1. I don't want to be responsible for your eyes getting stuck like that! Keep everything else crossed though please! hehe

  2. Crossing my fingers for you! I have a good feeling about this one :)

  3. Praying that your eggs dont play hard to get this cycle Em! I always have the same thought...just give me twins so i can make this journey worth while. Goodluck!

  4. KMFX for you this time around! Sending prayers your way! Our DH's have the same name too! Sry I just found that amusing :)

  5. I am so excited for your Bump!! Oh, please, let this be the one! Sounds like everything has lined up PERFECT this time! Saying prayers and keeping fingers and toes crossed. It's BFP time girlie!

  6. That all sounds great - I hope the IUI went well yesterday, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll be announcing your BFP soon! :)

  7. oh, Emily...I am praying with everything I have that this is your cycle! I've been reading your journey for a few weeks now and feel you have been more than patient waiting for your BFP! It's your time for sure!!! I literally just ran to the bathroom (in a stahl) dropped to my knees (ew...I know) and prayed that God would bless you with the baby you so deserve this month. I am going through my first IVF this month and am scared to death of it not working. But I can't think like that! I have to trust that the lord will protect me and has good things planned for our family! Can't wait to contine to follow your journey these next 2 weeks!

    journal -

    1. Your comment made me tear up a bit Kara. Thank you for such heartfelt words! It really means the world to me to have support from women who understand. What would we do without the internet right?? I know you must be scared that the IVF won't work, but the one thing I'm learning slowly but surely in this journey is to try not to worry about something we can't control...what a hard lesson, but we should both just try to remember that. Focus on what you want to happen, NOT what you don't. You will have the best chances humanly possible with IVF, so it can't get much better than that! I will definitely keep you in my prayers as well!

  8. Thank you so much to all the rest who commented and are routing for us. I love you ladies!! I am feeling really good about this cycle, so trying to focus on believing 100% that it can happen for us this time around!
