Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fertilization Report Is In

So far this morning, I've received a phone call from the embryology lab, the IVF surgery center, and Dr. Vaughn himself, all making sure we received our fertilization report and that I'm doing OK following yesterday's egg retrieval. I know I've said this before, but my clinic really has their stuff together. I am never left wondering about anything, and they are just so on top of it at all times. I honestly don't even know how they stay so organized, and that says a lot coming from someone as Type A about organization and communication as I am.

The best part is that our fertilization report brought more good news. Here are the results:

17 eggs retrieved
14 mature eggs
12 fertilized normally

*(1 fertilized abnormally, 1 did not fertilize at all, and 1 may still fertilize)

We have a full dozen fertilized eggs hopefully starting to grow and divide right now! That is a 70% fertilization rate, so exactly as we had hoped for. They have one egg they think might still fertilize but aren't sure. They will basically just let that one simmer in the petri dish and wait some more to see what happens. If it hasn't fertilized by Day 3, they will just discard it.

We won't know if we're having a Day 3 or Day 5 Transfer until the actual day of transfer. Early Saturday morning we will get a call telling us if we'll transfer that same day (Day 3) or if we'll be waiting until Monday (Day 5) for the transfer.  I am hoping for a Day 5 transfer. Pregnancy success rates are typically higher when using Day 5 blastocysts. Waiting until Day 5 gives the embryologists more time to differentiate between the developing embryos and gain a better picture of which ones are truly the strongest contenders. Only the strongest ones last until Day 5, so this allows for an extra element of natural selection to enter the decision making process regarding which ones will be transferred.

Of course, plenty of couples have Day 3 transfers which result in successful pregnancies and healthy happy babies. In fact, my clinic has a Day 3 transfer rate of about 60%, meaning most of their IVF cycles do in fact use a Day 3 transfer. I am content with whatever Dr. Vaughn's recommendation is, and I trust the decision made jointly by he and the lab. I am just here to follow dr.'s orders!

In other news, I'm doing pretty well following the ER. I became super uncomfortable the second half of the day yesterday. It is the strangest feeling following that procedure...almost like you're walking around with a huge bag of marbles in your abdomen. It feels weird to walk, like a heaviness with each step, hurts to get up from a chair if you don't take it slow, and feels really strange and uncomfortable to even go pee. It's really hard to describe. I took extra strength Tylenol twice which helped, and luckily I woke up to seeing most of the severe bloating gone. I think the really bad part of the bloating happened early for me and I'm already over that hump. Still taking it easy today, because I'm just moving around so slowly and would rather not granny it into public if I don't have to. I'm sure I will be back to normal tomorrow and plan to go downtown for my weekly volunteer shift as usual.

So, that makes one more successful step completed in the process. Hopefully no surprises to come, other than maybe that additional egg fertilizing. We'll know in less than 48 hours when our transfer will be!


  1. A perfect dozen! How exciting! I've been checking google reader all day to see if you've posted results. I'm so happy for you Emily! You are going to be a mommy real soon!

  2. Yay for great numbers! Such an exciting report! Take care of yourself in the days ahead!

  3. Woohoo! A dozen eggs (or embryos, rather) for Easter -- what more could you ask for? That's a great fert report, which just gives me an even better feeling about this. I cannot wait until you're done transfer and we can just gear up for testing day!

  4. A dozen?!?!?! That's such great news!! I'm so happy for you :) xoxo

  5. 12 is sooo awesome!!! With those results you will be able to transfer the best one(s) and most likely have some frosties! This is such great news and ups your odds tremendously!!! Grow and divide little have an awesome maommy and daddy just waiting and praying for you!

  6. Woo-hooo!! Those are some great numbers, good for you!! I'm glad you aren't feeling too bad after the retrieval. I am feeling bloated, but mostly from the constipation (sorry, TMI?) I hope your little embryos continue to grow and divide :)

  7. Such an awesome fert report! This is getting exciting! Grow and divide little ones!

  8. The good news keeps rolling in. You certainly deserve it!!

  9. Yes!!!! 12 is such a great number! Praying, praying, praying!

  10. I want to give you a huge hug right now, that is awesome!!! I love all the good news, I hope it keeps rolling in! :)

  11. So glad everything is going so well!! Cant wait to hear about the transfer! Fingers crossed!!

  12. Woohoo! That is such great news :)

  13. Amazing news!!! Way beyond expected! I'm so thrilled for you! 12 is marvelous! You guys are super stars, and your husband's count OMG, I'm soooo jealous!! ;)

  14. I am so glad everything is going perfect!!! I can't wait to hear the update on Saturday!

  15. Yay!! Out of my 24 eggs only 10 fertilized and 4 made it to freeze (2 were implanted) So so excited for you!

  16. Wow! That is such a great rate. This cycle seems to be going so great!! Hope it stays that way and your transfer goes perfectly. Hoping for Day 5 for you. :)

  17. Your a magnet for good news! 12 beautiful embryos for you that is amazing. My x-coworker had a Day 5 transfer and she also said that the ones who survive to Day 5 are the strongest. Either way I think day 3 or 5 u are going to have your miracle(s). Plus frost embies for the future if need be.

  18. Great news Emily! I only felt a bloated after trigger and before retrieval... after retrieval I felt great- a little sore but great overall. I'm so hopeful that your wonderful eggs will result in a baby or two! :) I had one egg that didn't fertilize normally and by day 3 it was going strong!

  19. What great news! I'm just getting caught up on all your IVF news and all seems great! KMFX that things keep going this smooth and you have a BFP in a couple of weeks :)

  20. Did the transfer end up being yesterday or is it tomorrow? I am so excited for you!!
