
Friday, May 24, 2013

Diamond Digging for Dumbasses

Nothing like dropping a diamond earring down your bathroom sink to start your Friday morning off right! Yep, that is what happens when you clean jewelry over the bathroom sink (without the sink plugged like a dumb ass) two minutes before you need to be out the door.  I even caught it for a quick second...had that sucker pinned between my finger and the side of the drain scooting it up slowly and out of harm's way. Nope, no cigar. It slid right through my fingers into the abyss of the gooiest sink in the whole house, full of make-up, hair and God knows what.

All I could do was laugh. I mean really? Immediately, the thought pops into my mind, "That earring was equal to one FET!" Yes, this is how I now place value on all items. Need a new car? That's about one IVF. Weekend in Vegas? That's one IUI. Need a new mattress? Why have that when you could have one full year of embryo cryopreservation!?

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who actually thinks about finances in terms of fertility treatments. What you say? I am? Oh well, at least I admit I'm left brain bat shit crazy. BTW, you'll be happy to know that we were able to disassemble the plumbing ourselves and retrieve the sacred earring from the pea trap underneath the sink ourselves. I was not about to hire a plumber. That is one transvaginal ultrasound!

It's been a full week since my last Provera pill (now Cycle Day 37) and STILL NO SIGN of a new cycle starting. Yes, cycle day THIRTY SEVEN and nada. It usually only takes a few days after stopping Provera for a brand new cycle to start, but it can take up to two weeks apparently? I learned something new on that one. Hooray. Lucky me, I seem to be the exception to the rule yet again.

I have tried everything in my power to get a new cycle to start. I've huffed eucalyptus essential oils until I'm blue in the face, have used warm castor oil packs on my abdomen, drank tea with dandelion root and ginger, the works. I haven't left the house wearing white pants without any tampons in my purse yet however. I almost tried that today, but chickened out.

Diamond digging and cycle voodoo aside, I think it's clear from recent posts that I can use a mental break. It's Memorial Day weekend, and I'm going to do my best to NOT focus on anything fertility related. I will still support my fellow blogger friends in my downtime, but no infertility chat rooms. No emotional breakdowns and unexpected tears (hopefully). No planning, wondering, or worrying what the heck is going on with my body right now. I give up. I can't control what it wants to do at this moment. 

I need a few days to just be me, to just be us, like it was recently on our weekend getaway in Cancun, except right here at home in the heart of Texas. As long as my body is going to take it's good ole time getting started with a new cycle, I'm going to take my good ole time with a drink in hand lounging by the pool. If anyone needs me, that's where I'll be. Hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend free from worries and full of love!


  1. You are most certainly NOT the only one who thinks about all money and purchases in regards to fertility treatments. I'm terrible about it... but then again, it's my motivation too. Skip that Starbucks latte and that's $3.80 towards IVF.

    I'm so glad you found the earring! That would be so scary! Hope you have a wonderful long weekend!

    1. I'll admit my heart skipped a beat when the earring JUMPED out of my hand. Haha!

      Glad I'm not the only one counting and saving and analyzing to death.

  2. Oh my goodness! I'm so glad that you were able to get your earring yourself!! I hope you're able to enjoy the long weekend sans infertility related breakdowns and emotions. xoxo

  3. HAHAHA... "I was not about to hire a plumber. That is one transvaginal ultrasound!" You are hilarious! Also, if you're willing to try one more thing to get this cycle started, I would recommend smelling or rubbing on your skin some kind of rosewater or rose-infused essential oil. An aromatherapist once told me that she and her colleagues were making perfume one day and they all took a whiff of the rosewater; the next day, they ALL got their periods.

    1. Rosewater huh? Might have to try that one. I think maybe I'm just a freak of nature and my body ovulated after I stopped the Provera. I've heard this can actually happen. If that's the case, it makes sense why AF is just not here yet and nothing I can do will speed up her arrival if that is the case. Who the heck knows!

  4. Glad you got the earring out! I HATE it when people lose jewelry- it makes ME feel ill because I know it's the worst feeling. Nope, you're not the only one who thinks in terms of treatments...the plumber line was classic! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I lost one of my diamond earrings on our honeymoon, in the big fat ocean, and I was so upset! We replaced it, but that was pre-fertility financial woes. I'm SO glad you found it. I also compare everything to fertility costs. It's so hard not to.

    Enjoy your holiday weekend with your hubs, your pool and your big fat drink. I'll be doing the same, oh about 5-6 states away!

  6. It kinda made me giggle a little bit :) My dad taught me how to take apart the drain just in case I ever did that. I'm pretty meticulous about closing the drain before putting in earrings and now you will be too :)

    A couple months ago my DH told me that the fertility boards I was a part of was consuming me. I had to take a step back and realize that he was right. I left the facebook boards I was a part of and the bbc boards and have been in general happier. I feel those boards have a place and a time and the time for me was over and DH helped me see that. It's worth a shot to try!

    I hope AF shows up soon for you, I was very frustrated after my fresh cycle failed about how long it took for my cycle to come back and then how weird it was after. Here I am now on my back for the next 72 hours hoping these embies will grow into babies that I get to raise.

    You are a strong woman and it's good that you recognized you need a mental break, I hope you get some sun, plant some flowers (that's my plan for Monday) and have some general 'me' time! Do you pinterest? That's even better for me than bbc or facebook, I get cheap ideas for beauty, health, home, and great recipes!

    1. I don't pinterest but maybe I should! I've got to say being off of the fertility boards does help to not think about it quite as much, because you aren't checking in every day. I have learned a lot on those boards, and it's helped me advocate for myself because of it, but to be honest there are some rude and negative people on there, not to mention those who seem to stick around forever after they are pregnant. That is the reason I don't go on facebook. I don't need a reminder of all the pregnant people every day when I log in.

      Praying for sun today, since it's rained most of the weekend! Wishing you all the best with this FET Elizabeth! I really really REALLY hope this is it for you.

  7. So glad you were able to tear apart that sink and get your earring back! What a stressful start to what should be a nice relaxing weekend! And no, you aren't the only one who looks at finances in terms of fertility treatments. And even though IVF worked for us, I still do that. Not in the terms of treatments...but in terms of actually paying off those treatments. I'm hopeful that by the time baby girl goes off to college, we'll actually have her paid less Starbucks at a time :-)

  8. Oh no!!!! That was the best post ever. It's so true how much everything costs when your an adult. I thank god every day, no really - everyday, that our insurance is amazing and I live in a state where fertility coverage is required. Thank god. Because that new septic pump and engine in our car and electric panel that all needed to be replaced last month - yeah, pretty much all the money for a baby.

  9. Oh girl, glad you found it! We just got back from cancun and its much better than being in Texas ;)

  10. Thank God you could get the earring out! I have dropped my fair share of jewellery down the drain myself.

    And you are certainly not the only one who thinks of finances in terms of fertility expenses. Our adopion is going to cost around $40,000 but I tell my husband "Well we only have one vehicle, so think of adoption expenses as if you were saving the money from not buying me a car!" haha

    I hope you have a great, stress-free weekend :)

  11. I actually lost my super perfect engagement ring and unfortunately was never able to find it. At the time I wasn't thinking about it in terms of fertility treatments, but I bet I would be now! I'm glad you were able to get your earring back without having to hire a plumber.

    If you're still trying to find ways to bring on AF, the only thing that's worked for me is sex. Even that's only worked if I was going to start fairly soon anyway, but it can take off a day or two from the normal provera waiting period. I've tried just about every home remedy possible and that's the only one I've had success with.

    1. Oh yes, sex. I've tried that one too...twice in the last 48 hours. CD39 and still no sign. hmpf

      I am so sorry to hear about your engagement ring. I know you must have been devastated! Poor thing!

  12. You're cracking me up! It sucks but its so true, the costs are unreal. I am loving this rain, hope your relaxing my dear. I think waiting to get your period is the most annoying thing bc all you think about is starting a new cycle!

  13. So glad you were able to retrieve the earring! It sounds like a good time for a mental break, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy this holiday weekend! I took somewhat of a mental break this cycle since DH was going to be gone during my typical fertile window, and other than not knowing when exactly to expect AF, it's been so nice to just have fun and do whatever I want since there's basically no chance of a BFP.

  14. Whew! Glad you found that earring. Hope you're still poolside with a drink in hand. I do think a break would be good for you. Hope AF comes soon. Hugs.

  15. What a weekend! I'm glad you are taking a break and finding you. I'm trying new things this weekend- making yogurt actually, ha ha. Glad you found your diamond ring and your post about infertility costs is hilarious! You are NOT alone. :)

  16. *big hugs* Em!!! No doubt you need a break and I'm glad you can recognize it and I hope you are having a great fertility-free weekend with DH. Really, really hoping and praying AF comes NOW!!!!!

  17. Got your comment on my last post about Maca! Wanted to email you, but didn't know how to find yours! I'm going to look into the barley and chlorella as well as SP! Also, we only do the fruits, veggies and meats and legumes too!! All for the sake of our future children being born! I swear one day I will let them know how special they are and everything we sacrificed!
