
Monday, October 7, 2013

Garage Sales, Pumpkin Candles & Football: Fall is Officially Here!

Is it just me, or is there something strangely thrilling about selling your old crap from the comfort of your own garage? Our neighborhood has two community-wide garage sales each year, and every year it's the same thing; My husband laughs at me saying, "No one is going to buy that! Are you kidding me?!" To which I always respond, "Oh, just wait and see! People will buy anything!"

This year, we literally went through every single cabinet, drawer, and corner of our house to pull out anything not being used. Our front hallway was beginning to resemble an episode of TLC's "Hoarding: Buried Alive." BTW, if you are a neat freak like me, I do not recommend watching that show. It's like a bad car accident you can't look away from! Ick

Garage sales in our neighborhood are so insane there are actually traffic jams near the entrances. As usual, there were people bombarding our driveway as the sun was still rising and I was scrambling to set everything up. Then towards noon, the real show began. I sat back in my rocker and watched people drive by with huge truckloads of furniture, name it, all bungeed together haphazardly. It's just astonishing to see how nuts people get for a good deal. That's about the time I usually make a table that says "FREE" which creates a frenzy I'd liken to the release of Cabbage Patch dolls in the 80's. WOW! Take it! Take it all!

4 hours and many "interesting conversations" later, we walked away with $750! Well, technically my husband was out golfing as I wheeled and dealed, but he donated some electronics, so we'll let him slide. If only I could have a garage sale every weekend my life would surely be more interesting. Oh, who are we kidding? The fact that I even find it thrilling probably means I should get a life in the first place. ha!

Why stop there? We have a small jar about 4 inches high in the kitchen that we throw all of our change into. It reads "Vacation Fund" but I am on the prowl for one that says "IVF Fund."

What, they don't make those you say? Still, that jar isn't fooling anyone. We all know damn well none of that $$ is going towards vacation. It's going straight to our two main cash funnels (a.k.a. fertility treatments & hubby's MBA.)

Needless to say, I was shocked when I emptied this tiny jar full of coins into the local Coinstar and out popped a voucher for $60. Hot damn! I love Coinstar! If you have never used one, please dig through your seat cushions immediately and try it out.  It's nothing short of winning on the slot machines in Vegas. Plus, with this there is no risk of losing. All that was missing was a flashing light and siren. It's like free money I tell you!

Even if we aren't planning a vacation anytime soon, we did not waste any time treating ourselves to a dinner out with friends and enough Moet to kill a small horse. You see, this is what happens when you are on such a strict regimen of no alcohol, no gluten, no dairy, no FUN for God knows how's hard to stop once you finally have it! We had an absolute blast, but being that I'm normally such a rule follower while undergoing fertility treatments, I still felt a wee bit guilty waking up in a bit of a haze the next day. Oh well, I won't pretend to be perfect. We took our butts straight to church that morning, which helped me feel like a little bit less of a sinner, especially since we tithed 10% of the garage sale earnings. :)

We were also blessed with a little cold snap and some gorgeous weather this weekend in Austin! Lows in the 50's-60's at night and sunny 70's-80's during the day. Perfect weather for some Sunday lunch, shopping, and lazy football watching. I figured I'd finally make Fall official with this scrumptous addition...

I will admit that Fall, and more specifically November, have become a bit of a thorn in my side from an emotional standpoint. I've lost pregnancies the past two Novembers in a row, and still no baby or even hope for a pregnancy in the next month or two. My ovaries are basically put to sleep right now while I am on hormone replacement as part of recovery post-surgery.  I'm really going to try extra hard to stay positive during the holidays this year. I've got to keep finding joy in the little pumpkin candles, fuzzy slippers, baking cookies and wine by the fire. I know the holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas) can be hard for many of us trying too long to start families, but I hope you'll be able to find joy in the little things too.

Speaking of Fall...As you may remember, I applied to do substitute teaching at my local school district right before the school year started. Well, I have STILL yet to be hired. I am beyond grateful to be a stay-at-home-wife right now, but I'm getting antsy and would love to be back in the classroom on a part-time basis. I would think I'm overly qualified; A former teacher (although certified in FL), and I graduated summa cum laude with an MS in Education. Either the school district is super unorganized, or they have a serious overabundance of subs here, because it's like pulling teeth trying to get hired as a freaking substitute teacher. It's not rocket science, so what gives? Hopefully I will get an offer for employment with them soon. It would really be nice to make some extra $ and still have the flexibility I feel I need to stay sane right now. Just continuing to pray for patience, guidance and peace here...


  1. Praying with you and for you Emily! I love the idea of getting rid of some junk or unused things - creating space and money! Im not much of a yard saler myself. Something about collecting other peoples unwanted makes me uneasy. Hope you hear something from the school soon it sounds like you are more than qualified!

    1. Yeah, I don't have much interest in buying other people's stuff, but I sure do like selling mine! Funny thing is that we don't even notice that anything is gone...that is how much we did not need any of that stuff. I love decluttering!

  2. Good luck with the job hunt! I always wanted to be a teacher, but my province really was FULL of teachers, they actually weren't even accepting new applications for subs the last time I checked.

    Also, love pumpkin candles and wine by the fire :) Makes for such a relaxing evening.

    1. Yeah, I was shocked when the lady said they tend to hire teachers with current state of TX teaching certifications. I was scratching my head thinking, well if they are certified to teach, wouldn't they have their own classroom teaching full time most likely? I am not that up to date on the current job market for teachers here, but as long as I have ever been around teaching (my whole life since my mom was also a teacher) there has ALWAYS been a need for good subs. Go figure!

  3. What a successful garage sale! I drank this weekend for the first time since May. I feel a little guilty too, but we deserve it. :) I hate that this time of year brings you reminders of such heartbreaking losses; I hope this season can redeem itself for you this year ... I hope 2014 brings a lot of joy for all of us. I hope you get that substitute teaching job!!!

    1. That's kind of how I felt, like we deserve it!

      2014 has just to be a better year for us all!

  4. Fantastic job on the garage sale!! I love that you took a little of those earnings and treated yourself to a fabulous night out. I know we need those from time to time.

    Hope you get called in to sub soon...something makes me think you'd be a really good teacher!! xoxo

    1. Thanks Suzanne. Yep, gotta just do it up every once in a while!

      Thanks for the well wishes on the subbing. I would like to think I was a really good teacher when I did it. I do love the kiddos too (middle school is my favorite) but there are so many things about full time teaching I DON'T miss. I figure subbing might let me have the best of both worlds....time with kids, extra $, not much responsibility after hours, or commitment long term.

  5. OMG your description of the garage sale "thrills" was cracking me up! Huge garage sales like that are super awesome for people watching! Yay for some extra $$$ you guys made out pretty good!

    1. Girl, it is better than any airport even! I seriously should have taken some pictures of these trucks loaded down. I could hear the Sanford & Sons theme song playing in the back of my mind. Made me giggle. ;)

  6. Sounds like a great week... $750 at your garage sale?! That's great!!

    1. It was a record breaker for sure. I'm thinking....oooh, that will get me almost 4 transvaginal ultrasounds!

  7. Wow! That is amazing. $750!!! Whoa! Praying for you and for patience as you wait for your subbing positions!!! PS. $750 will pay for your gas to come to Dallas, hehehe

    1. Oh, lots of gas can be bought with that kind of dough, but get your booty back to Austin missy!

  8. First of all, I didn't realize you were in Austin! We live right outside of Houston- wasn't the weather this weekend just lovely?! Secondly, there aren't ENOUGH qualified subs in the district I teach in... After making a last minute appointment with my new RE today, I cringed as I hit the submit button and impatiently waited for a sub to sign up. Wish you lived closer!!

    1. Yeah, doesn't make sense why I submitted my application almost two months ago, my references have filled out recommendations, and yet I've had to call two people at the district level now...without much of a response other than "We'll take a look at your resume and call you if you meet the qualifications." Um, yeah I think I do! lol

      Did not realize you were a fellow Texan either Sarah! Yeehaw!

  9. Super glad you had a good weekend. Not only did u indulge in some drinking but you made some moola from old belongings. Great job!! You definitely made me want to go through my things to see what I can sell. Crossing my fingers that you get a part time sub teaching job soon.

    1. Do it! Just get a couple empty boxes, leave them in your hallway, and keep throwing stuff in them throughout the week. Amazing how much stuff we accumulate that we no longer use, and people will buy some of the most random stuff.

      Tnx for the well wishes! :)

  10. Love how you are finding joy in the little things. I need to do a better job of that. Hope you hear back and get the substitute teaching job soon! Sending good vibes your way :)

    1. Well, I figure the holidays can go one of two ways, and I'm not going to ruin it for myself or anyone else damnit! Going to keep finding any little thing I can appreciate the next few months. If I have to play Christmas music for two months straight I will do it. ha!

  11. Great things to pray for pretty lady! I'm so sorry about your November losses. That must be so hard. Praying that by next November you have your take home baby!

    Loving the Fall candles as well. XOXO

    1. Nov. has left a bad taste in my mouth, but immediately after I posted this I remembered...Duh, our anniversary is also that month. I have got to find a way to let that one GOOD memory still shine over any bad memories that month. Praying we ALL have babies by Nov. 2014!

  12. Awesome job on the garage sale, jackpot!! I LOVE coinstar too! It's crazy how much all of that change adds up too! I am loving this cool weather that come through also, such a nice break from the 95+ degree temps :) Keeping you in my prayers as always pretty lady.

    1. It is totally crazy isn't it? I think I need a bigger jar for a bigger jackpot at Coinstar!

  13. Thinking of you and praying for this November to be different.

    1. Thank you so much! Different would certainly be good!

  14. That's awesome that you made so much at your garage sale! Our community had a garage sale this weekend too and I didn't participate because I was too darn lazy to get everything out of the attic and lug it down 3 flights of stairs. LOL. Maybe next time I should just go for it!

    1. I dread doing it every time, and then I am so glad I did. Just make yourself a pile in a closet and keep it going until next time!

  15. Haha! I laughed at the idea of you and the husband strolling into church after your well deserved night of celebration... Glad you had a good time making money and enjoying your reward! We should all treat ourselves a little more often! : ) And I couldn't agree more; the holidays are hard, but we've got to find ways to enjoy them. "like pumpkin candles, fuzzy slippers, baking cookies and wine by the fire"- you've got a great list going!

    1. Well, luckily we skipped the gym and slept in a bit, so we weren't looking like hooligans or anything. Luckily Moet doesn't make you smell like a brewery the next day either. haha!

  16. Ah! So we both love the coziness of fall, but cringe at the seasonal/holiday stuff that makes you feel "childless"--two peas in a pod! And I'm also a stay-at-home wife, which is a blessing but feels odd because we're supposed to be stay-at-home Moms, right? I too would like to find a flexible job for a little cash (perhaps substituting?) XO
